Justice - the word is in our very name - is and must be a holistic term. The current President’s blatantly bigoted words and actions fly in the face of racial justice. Further, we cannot truly have racial justice and fairness under law without economic, social and environmental justice. Acclaimed author and professor Ian Haney Lopez says this about Donald Trump’s belief system: “He personally espouses many of the racist views that the Right seeks to activate and promote. He understands better than perhaps anyone how to exploit racial division for ulterior ends and his campaign and presidency added propellant to the danger.”
While we must adhere to legal restrictions on not-for-profit organizations regarding any political statements, the intentions, philosophy and work of The Justice Project cannot be knowingly undermined or threatened by elected officials. It is disingenuous to ignore or omit information that would clearly defy the organization’s work. Rather it is essential that we speak boldly when our own goals and security are threatened.
The Justice Project’s efforts and accomplishments are in direct opposition to the Trump administration. We must be staunchly unified in this election and vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The message couldn’t be clearer or more urgent. While we work to make sure no one’s vote is un-counted or suppressed, we must as individuals and as an organization, speak JUSTICE with our votes.